Silicon Valley Automation
Modern technologies with old-fashioned professional pride
Examples of applications:
Lasers - beam alignment
Robotics - leveling of the robot mounting flange, or base
- alignment of stations and end-efectors
- leveling of chucks
Machinery - leveling of machine’s bases and components
- adjustment of heights of various components
AFAB™ is a trademark of alignment kits from Silicon Valley Automation.
AFAB stands for Alignment Forever And Beyond.
SVA is an abbreviation of the company name - Silicon Valley Automation
SVA offers two types of the alignment kits: standard, and advanced.
Standard AFAB Kits
Each standard kit consists of an adjustment nipple (1), a keyed nipple adjuster (2)
and a central locking screw (3). The most typical application of the system is leveling
of various mechanical devices. For the best results it is recommended to use three
AFAB™ kits per each leveling application. Three-point leveling method with AFAB™
kits has three features that makes the system more suitable for this task than other
conventional methods:
1. alignment procedure does not stress the material
2. alignment is permanent (due to feature 1)
3. alignment procedure is very fast (in most cases the first attempt succeeds)
Another advantage of the AFAB™ system is its precision, which is compatible with laser
systems. AFAB™ provides such precision at a fraction of the cost of conventional laser
alignment systems. Single quantity price of the most commonly used sizes is in the range
of $20 to $35, and decreases by 5 - 20% depending on the ordered quantity.
Silicon Valley Automation
13021 Emerald Ranch Ln. N.
Forney, TX 75126
Tel: 214-771-1777 & 972-552-3500
Fax: (972) 552-3555
Toll Free: (888) 980-9080
Tech Support:
AFAB™ Alignment System will level your Laser and/or Robotic
Systems precisely, quickly and reliably at a fraction of a cost.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2