Silicon Valley Automation
Modern technologies with old-fashioned professional pride
How it Works
General Description
Each AFAB™ alignment hardware kit consists of:- a threaded adjustment nipple (1),
- a keyed nipple adjuster (2), and- a socket head screw (3)The main advantage of
this alignment method is the application of the holding force precisely at the center
of an adjustment point. The holding force is applied by screw (3) through a keyed
nipple adjuster (2) and alignment plate (4) to nipple (1) and base plate (5).
Application of the holding force at the center of each adjustment point totally
eliminates stresses in the material (plates 4 and 5), providing that three, and only
three AFAB kits are used. The second advantage of the method is the fact that
tightening the screws does not change the results of the preceding alignment
How to use AFAB™ kits ?
There are two ways the AFAB™ kits can be used. Usually
the keyed nipple adjuster (2) is hidden inside material of the
plate being adjusted (4) (see the drawing to the left). In
some rare cases, however, the keyed nipple adjuster (2) can
stick out of the plate (see the drawing to the right).
How to prepare your parts ?
Regardless of the application method it is necessary to prepare three threaded through-holes  B x D in the base, for
three AFAB kits. Alphanumeric, symbolic dimensions shown below are tabularized in the catalog pages.
Usually the keyed nipple
adjuster is hidden in a counter
If the keyed nipple adjuster can stick out,
the thickness of the plate can be reduced to
dimension D.
The preparation of thebase plate
is independentof the application
method,and requires three
threaded holes E in a material
of minimum thickness F.
Adjustment range.    

Theoretically the adjustment  range  of  an  AFAB™  kit  is  from 0  to the full  stroke  expressed by the last two digits
of the configuration number (see above).  It is however strongly recommended to leave always a small gap between
the plate being adjusted and the base plate. The gap should grow if AFAB™ kits are installed farther from the edge of
the plate being adjusted.
P/N and configuration.         

The basic P/N consists of 8 characters.  The first five characters are always the same "HD001", and they stand
for standard AFAB kits.  The last three digits differentiate class, size, pitch and stroke of the kit.  Imperial parts
are denoted by numbers 00 to 35, while metric parts 50 to 85 (36 sizes in each class).

The configuration number consists of four groups, separated with hyphens, e.g. 5/16-24-24-09.  The first group
denotes the thread size of the central screw, the second - its pitch, the third group shows the pitch of the adjustment
nipple, finally the forth - the stroke.  In our example 09 stands for 0.090" stroke.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8